Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday evening.
This morning felt a little rough. I am back home, so I am not on the steroids that they were giving me at the hospital to help with the fatigue. I mostly slept through the morning, which is likely to be typical. Becky made me blueberry pancakes with maple syrup. It is so nice to be home with good food. It does take me forever to eat - I sort of peck away at it, because my appetite is pretty low, but Becky is such a good cook, each bite is delicious. I also had some of Erica's flan today, and I sing praises for it. :)

I went out for a little walk this evening with Becky and the dog. It is important for me to be moving around. The fresh air and the evening were good for me, and I have rallied a little. I am feeling about as well as can be expected at this point. After the pace of the hospital, it has been nice to have a rainy day to rest.

Tomorrow I have an appointment at the Waldo County Hospital. I think that it is for a general check-up and to see if they need to schedule a transfusion. I will let everyone know how it goes.



  1. Just a word from me about transfusions. Shortly after being hit by car last winter my Hg and Hb dropped down very low because of internal bleeding. I had a transfusion and then a series of iron infusions to build RBCs up as quickly as possible. It all went smoothly and yet it took about two weeks to get back to closer to normal readings for Hg/Hb. I was bummed to have the transfusion since I'm on the kidney transplant list and transfusions mean antibodies that can exclude donors but considering the alternatives the transfusion was a very good thing to have. My experience is they won't recommend transfusion unless they are pretty convinced benefits outweigh any downside. It's great to read you writing about food tasting good. Food, good food, is one of your best friends now. love -- Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy for letting me know about that. I am having my first transfusion right now (RBC count low). Luckily for me, the transfusions don't effect any of my other treatment, and they are an inevitable side effect of the chemotherapy regiment that I am on. I heard that you were doing much better at Easter. Take good care of yourself. With love, Leif.

  2. It is good to hear you share these beautiful common snippits of your day. Keep up your spirits and know that you are in my thoughts old friend.

    1. Hey, good to hear from you stranger. I am doing pretty well all things considered. The doctors are working out an exercise plan for me for while I am doing my therapy, so I am looking forward to that. I have taken the last 10 days off from everything except little walks, because my job right now is to not overexert myself, but my body does not like staying still.

  3. Thinking of you warmly and looking forward to your next update (whenever either of you have the time and energy to write again).

    Also, remember that you promised that you'd say what kind of help would be most helpful, so if you're noticing that some additional support would be nice, please make sure to let us know.

    I'm purposely trying to limit calls and emails to you to give you more space for rest, but I want you to know that I'm standing by (for the long haul) to help out in any ways that I'm able.

