Monday, May 28, 2012

Looks like I will be out of here today. The chemo is going well. While I believe strongly in eating healthy, exercise, and meditation, modern medicine still has a definite place. The doctors have been pleased with how I have done on this first step of treatment and the prognosis is as good as one can have. I am not reacting badly to any of my chemo drugs, and the protective drugs all seem to be doing what they are supposed to. 

I have been doing much less reading than I would have thought. Most of my energy is going into sleeping, getting poked by the nurses (who have been SUPER-sweet), and keeping up with my friends - just letting people know what is going on. My understanding is that for the next week my energy will continue to decline and that I will mostly resting and some reading, and then I will get some improvement after that.

We are not sure what we need right now. For me, it is mostly time to process this all and to rest. Becky needs as much support as I do, since she is taking care of so many little details for us. As we go forward and figure out what would be helpful, we will be letting you all know. The outpouring has really been more than I could have imagined. I have such wonderful friends.



  1. I tried posting through my Wordpress work account but it wasn't allowed. So, another post may show up at some point ... Anyway, I'm very happy to hear you are going home today. It will be restorative to be in your own place and space. Sounds like you have a great treatment plan and great support. Please know there is always room for you & Becky at my home if you need a place to stay in Portland. Also of course let me know how else I can help! This has been some year for our extended family but we are tough and will flourish. love -- Wendy

  2. Good morning, Leif and Becky! Thanks so much for the detailed updates. We're thinking about you consistently and sending all sorts of love.

  3. I just stopped by the blog to check on y'all. I'm glad you seem in good spirits today! I remember when I was first diagnosed with cancer how strange the world seemed, suddenly. It changes your perspective on everything! Take care of yourselves and know that you are loved.


  4. Huh. I didn't know that about giraffes.
