Friday, May 25, 2012

On Wednesday, Leif was transferred to Midcoast Hospital in Brunswick and began chemotherapy treatment. He is getting a Hyper CVAD-R protocol, which involves quite a bit of inpatient chemotherapy. Future inpatient chemo will also take place in Brunswick. We like this hospital; it's a brand-new facility with nice, big, comfortable rooms, plenty of staff, etc. It has the added advantage of being only 20 minutes from Lloyd and Rhonda's house. Outpatient chemotherapy will be at Waldo General Hospital in Belfast.

Yesterday Leif had a port installed just below his clavicle, through which they can do chemo and blood draws without putting so many holes in his arm.

He also got a MUGA scan, and the technician let us see the photos of his heart, which the computer processed into 3-D videos of his heart function. That was very cool. His heart function looks good, although his heartbeat is not very regular. Anybody who has ever seen Leif dance already knows that he has his own, unique drummer.

 Posted by Becky

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