Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Not a fan of Cytarabine.

Sunday was a good day. I had a couple visitors and I had pretty much recovered from the Rituxin. Sunday evening I got started on the Cytarabine. This is a nausea-inducing drug. It theoretically has some other purpose, but I am not even sure what. I have it every 12 hours for 48 hours. That night I threw up my Luecovorin, which is a rescue drug. It is to offset the Methotrexate, which I was got on Sunday. So the doctors were called, as I should not take a double dose and no-one knew how much I threw up. It was finally decieded to just give me the entire does again, but this time in the IV. It was actually a little funny how it happened. I was feeling distinctly unwell, and had called in the nurse, but I could not decide if I was in pain, or nauseated. I decided both, but before the nurse got back with the pills, I had lost it.

I had several cocktails of anti-nausea medicine during the night, and the next day.  I only got out of bed on Monday to pee. I was a sad puppy. The pain killer escalated until I was given morphine. Finally I was able to relax and start feeling better.  One of my doctors came in on Tuesday morning and admonished me to get out of bed and move around a little. It was good advice now that my nausea was mostly under control. I felt better today, although still tired and queazy.

So, that is why no-one heard anything from me for the last day and a half. I am off all the chemo drugs right now, and just taking the recue drug Luecovorin. When my bloodwork shows that it has done its thing and countered the Methotrexate, I get to go home. Probably sometime tomorrow morning.


  1. OMG Leif, thanks for posting. a chemical hell sounds like. You are a warrior. Much love and warrior energy your way! Prue

    1. Thanks Prue,
      I really don't look forward to the "B" cycle. The combo of the Rituxin and the Cytarabine is pretty rough. I have my PET scan today, so we will see where I am at.

      I got by the camp yesterday and saw your fabulous work. I like what you did with the big stone and the walls on the left of that little walkway.

  2. blech. hope tomorrow is a better day!

  3. Jeez, Leif - sounds like you ought to take up smoking. Or not. Here's hoping all this crud does what it's supposed to do.
