Monday, July 9, 2012

Good food is pulling me through.

Day 4 of 6 for the chemo. I am currently on a drug called Doxorubicin, which I will take for the next 48 hours. It is not too bad. It creates some muscle cramping and some nausea and of course fatigue, but mostly the side effect is a general malaise. I just feel a little bit crappy - much like when you have the flu. So when I don't have visitors, I nap a lot. It makes the time go by faster.

I have had quite a few visitors, which has been really nice. I am pretty social, and having people in, brightens my day. My friend Linda came up the other day, with a whole cart of good food. My brother brought me some mac and cheese. Cathy and Steve stopped by for a while and brought me in a quiche - which was really great. Now I will have quiche for breakfasts, and I will not be eating any hospital food at all. The dietician here has given up on me at this point, and has not bothered to pick up the last menu she handed out. Erica was down in this area for work today, and was able to stop by and dropped off some veggie stirfry, which I am looking forward to for dinner. I have almost completely taken over the fridge that is available for patients. I have lentil soup, quinoa salad, kale with walnuts, potato salad, carrot soup, and several other side dishes. Plus the freezer is full, and I have barely gotten into the frozen food, what with more fresh food coming in than I can eat. I can not thank you all enough. Having delicious, real food has made my stay so much better. I really look forward to eating lunch and dinner. That and my daily walk are the highlights of my day.

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