Sunday, July 1, 2012

A call for help.

I am headed back into chemo for round 3 this week, on the evening of July 4th. I have complained about the hospital food, and don't think that I can take any more of it. So, for all those who have been wanting to help us out, this is what would be really great. Food to take with me. There are some requirements:

It needs to be mostly vegetables - keep starches, cheeses, and meat restrained.
Organic is not a requirement.
I love all kinds of vegetables.
With the exception of chili peppers.
keep the other spices on the medium or mild side.
I have lost my taste for sweets. 
I don't eat pork. I also don't eat any other meat that is not small-farm raised. 
It needs to be something that can be frozen.
I only have a microwave to heat it up - no oven available.
The fridge is small so single or double portions work best. The container does not have to be microwavable, because I will let it thaw in the fridge.

If you are feeling up to it, and want and are able to contribute, you will really be helping us out. Another plus, is that I will be feeling the love while I am eating in the hospital, and that is always a nice thing. If you want to contribute and are unable to make drop something off by July 4th, don't worry, we will be doing this again, and you can drop it off anytime. We have a deep freezer available. If you have any questions, give us a call 322-7121.

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