Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A social weekend.

Had a great weekend up at camp. I should probably mention, for those of you that are not from Maine, that what we call "camp" is typically what other parts of the country call a lakehouse. In Maine, though, they tend to be small, and not built for show, often out of reclaimed materials. But they usually have the necessary amenities of civilization - power, running hot and cold water, a full kitchen, a shower and a toilet. A lake cabin.

I got to see my brother's family. His two boys have grown considerably since I last saw them. I also got a chance to see my grandmother, who I had not seen since the week before I was diagnosed. The last time I saw her, she was in the hospital for a stroke, and has since recovered pretty well and is in a nursing home. She has problems remembering things, but she knew who I was, and she seemed much less worried than she has through most of her life. Perhaps, most of what she is forgetting are her fears.

There were also a score of second cousins, friends, and friends of second cousins. It was a little overwhelming, as I have been mostly sequestered for the past 10 months. After we left on the 4th, Becky and I went to her parent's camp in Brooks. We were able to see a number of our friends there, as well as spend some quite time, just reading and looking out at the lake. Just what I needed.

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