Thursday, July 11, 2013

2nd Thoracentesis

Since there was that error in the orders for draining the fluid in my lungs (thoracentesis), the scheduled me the next day. The operation when smoothly, did not hurt at all, although the muscle where they poked me is a little sore. This time, instead of draining a sample for testing, they drained out as much as they could. How much you ask? 3 liters.

During the procedure, one of the nurses walked by with a 2 liter container of the nastiest phlegm/blood product looking stuff I have ever seen. I thought "man, I hope that didn't come out of me", but even as I was thinking it, it seemed absurd, because it was a 2 liter container. Way too much to be in a lung cavity. I was wrong. I didn't see the second container, but they told me that they had drained just over 3 liters, including what they had taken off the day before.

Definitely explains my difficulty breathing.

So, the procedure helped quite a bit. It will take some time for my lungs to re-expand into that space, and as they do so, they are a little sore, so slow, careful deep breaths for the next few days. But I can walk again without getting short of breath, and life is pretty good.



  1. Yikes. I am glad you can breathe better though and that it wasn't as horrifically painful as it sounds. Hang in there and I'm thinking about you guys all the time. Much love, Karen

  2. 3 liters? That's incredible. So glad they relieved the pressure and that you're able to breathe better. Hopefully you'll be able to sleep lying down. One day at a time, as you said. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to you both.

  3. It is a ridiculous amount. I can definitely breath better, although I am stil a little short of breath. I am getting some chest X-rays tomorrow morning to see if it is just taking some time for my poor abused lung to re-inflate, or if there is something else going on.

  4. I'm certainly not approaching this in the serious manner that it deserves, but for just a little more pain, you could've had them go all the way through! What a story! That's all I'm sayin'.
