Monday, November 12, 2012

Waiting uneventfully

Posted by Becky
We're still waiting for Leif's blood counts to come back up. They are still low; he got a platelet transfusion yesterday. His red blood cells were low this morning, but not so low that he needed a transfusion. He hadn't gotten any transfusions for several days before yesterday's platelets, so he's almost holding his own, but not gaining yet.

In the meantime, he's still getting radiation on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. His belly is noticeably flatter, although the edge of his spleen has not retreated noticeably compared to his belly button. The radiation makes him a bit more nauseated each time he gets it, so he does not look forward to it. They are able to control the worst of the nausea with medication, but the nausea plus pressure on his stomach from his spleen has been keeping Leif's appetite suppresed. He eats as much as he can, but has been losing some weight.

We were both happy to get a lot of visitors this weekend; Leif's parents, Kristen J, Abby, Ryan, and Skye made our week and brought much-anticipated pots, pans, clothing, food, and art - including an awesome collage put together through a group effort in Belfast - to us from home. It was a delight to see them. We also both greatly appreciate the cards, phone calls, books, etc. that people have sent.

Here is how our days have mostly been going: this morning starting about 6, Leif got his usual blood draws, meds, breakfast, and IV antibiotic.* Leif took a walk around the building, spent some time in the nearby family/patient lounge working on a puzzle, then did some work on the computer while getting his second IV antibiotic dose of the day, before going to radiation at noon. After the radiation (about 2:00) he took a big slug of antinausea meds, made and ate a tomato sandwich, and then the medication - which is also a sedative - kicked in and he's been napping ever since. He just started his 3rd dose of antibiotic and took his scheduled painkiller and antinausea pills more or less in his sleep. Later he'll probably get up, ride the exercise bike to wake up a bit, then do some more computer work until bedtime. He gets another IV antibiotic dose at midnight.

Last night after a fun and social weekend, I fell asleep in the recliner at 7pm, got up briefly in order to pull out the cot and fall back asleep at about 11. This morning at 6:30 I woke up, ran some quick errands before work, worked from the recliner in Leif's hospital room, went for a walk around the hospital grounds at lunch, finished my workday, and will probably do some reading this evening. I've mostly been staying on a cot in Leif's room at the hospital, with trips to the apartment to shower, change clothes, and cook.

*In terms of antibiotics, Leif's currently on Zosyn, a broad-spectrum antibiotic that he gets as an IV every 6 hours, oral acyclovir (an antiviral), and oral voriconazole (an antifungal). These are all strong antibiotics used for patients with suppressed immune systems. I am sure we have them to thank for Leif's avoidance of fever since the one he had for half a day over a week ago. 

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