Friday, November 16, 2012

Back from surgery, walking around

Posted by Becky
Leif is back from surgery. They did lance an abscess, so they did not do a bone marrow biopsy. He shook off the anaesthesia about 20 minutes ago; he tends to do that before anybody expects him to, but fortunately he stayed under for the duration of the surgery. As soon as he got back, he got up and went to the bathroom and is changing his clothes. I'm heading out to pick up some food; he couldn't eat before the surgery, now he's hungry, and the hospital lunches are wretched. His temperature is 98.8F.

More later as we hear more, but I wanted to let everybody know that he came through fine and is up and talking.

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to hear all went well. Hope lunch is yummy!
