Thursday, November 15, 2012

Infection acting up

Posted by Becky
The infection on Leif's butt is acting up again. He had a mild fever for a lot of today (around 100F), and it's increasingly sore. He got a CT scan to see whether there is swelling inside, and there is. The hematology team ordered an additional antibiotic - daptomycin - which he's had before. They'll start that after today's unit of blood has finished infusing. Some infectious disease doctors have also been by; their recommendation is to drain the abscess surgically. They would have expected the antibiotics he's currently on to take care of this infection, and would like to get a culture of the fluid in there. Generally there are multiple bugs in an infection like this. But a surgeon hasn't been by for a visit yet. With his low platelets and immune suppression, surgery will involve some risks.

Leif's done with his radiation treatment. He asked the hematology team and radiation oncologist whether it makes sense to get all 9 treatments considering the first six have not seemed to have much effect on his spleen. The doctors said they had a long discussion about the question today. The papers about using radiation in similar circumstances are focused on reducing pain or improving blood counts. The radiation oncologist says that he's comfortable with what's been done so far. It may still have have an effect, a few weeks from now.

The other purpose of today's CT scan was to see whether he has any internal bleeding again, since his hemoglobin continues to go down. It could till be going into Leif's spleen.

They discussed the various reasons his blood counts have not started coming up yet. It could be the lymphoma, or infection, or antibiotics, or that his healthy bone marrow stem cells are few and far between because of all the chemo, etc. At some point soon, they will start investigating this issue.

Leif has some swollen, tender lymph nodes in his groin that he just noticed yesterday. They could be due to the infection.


  1. OH Becky and Leif. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I do hope the infectious disease guys can step in and get this issue cleared up ASAP, and I know that's the idea. Hold on to your hope and faith and keep marching forward! I know for me (with my constant issues with the battle of the bulge) the short term may seen unfair for the amount of work put into it, but it's the long term goal that counts. I'm glad you have good advisors who are right there to help. Stay focused!

    Love from Texas.

  2. PS...had my own episode of "mice" here at the house. I bought some interesting candy from Central Market (Lemon blueberry shortbread) I was going to send up there to you guys, and made the mistake of leaving it out on the kitchen table. My big black "mouse", Percy must have thought it was her favorite treat, Temptations, and got her grubby little paws into the plastic wrapper. Freaky little demons.....
