Thursday, August 30, 2012

Drove down to Kennebunk and back like a real person.

My childhood friend, Kirk Hotte, and his family are visiting Maine from London. I had not seen them in almost 4 years, and so, even though they are staying all the way down in Kennebunkport, I took the last two days to drive myself down to see them. I stayed overnight in Brunswick, but the next day, I drove down to Portland, saw my two nephews, had some lunch and then drove the remaining hour to Cape Porpoise. Usually that drive is not a full hour, but there were a stunning amount of road closures.  and then, after hanging out with them and their two great boys, I made a simple dinner, and then drove the three hours back home. For me, it was a remarkable trip. I have not been able to do something that required that much energy since slightly before I was diagnosed, way back in April.

Of course, I am tired today, and will take some extra naps and recharge. But the fact that I could do it at all is exciting. I also was able to run a few simple errands - two at big box stores, which even when I am feeling at my best I find tiring. This morning I am at the camp - so relaxing, but after lunch I am going to try to rally and at least unload the car down at the house. That takes so work because our drive is actually quite a climb from the front door. It will be a good workout.


  1. So nice to read a post describing daily life and its activities. You've been so busy with the medical end of things it's very nice to see you immersed in the joys of summer.

  2. Yeeeehawwww!!! Back to life, even if temporarily, is an amazing thing! What a pleasure normality can be when one has been deprived of it so long.

    Please give Kirk a hug for me.

