Thursday, August 16, 2012

But the good news is...

Posted by Becky
The results of Leif's PET scan were good. There was "no uptake;" the scan did not detect any cancer. This means a couple of things: that Leif's cancer is sensitive to chemotherapy, and that he's done with the aggressive chemo regimen he's been getting! Depending on how long it takes him to recover from these infections, he may need some gentler chemotherapy to prevent the lymphoma from coming back before his stem cell transplant. And, of course, the transplant process itself involves some drastic chemotherapy.

So the goal now is to control these infections, and then Leif will need some time to recover his health from being this sick. They won't want to do any more chemo or start the transplant process until he's strong and his blood counts have recovered enough. That is likely to take at least a couple of weeks. I'm not thinking very far ahead at the moment, but it's encouraging nonetheless.


  1. Nice! That's great news.

  2. Hurray!! a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel!
