I got a chance the other day to pick up pictures of my CT, or CAT scan, which I learned stands for X-ray computed (axial) tomography. I think that "axial" got stuck in there to make a better acronym, but the doctors and technicians at Waldo County Hospital just say CT. Anyway, there were a couple of pictures that showed my spleen clearly enough that I could figure out what was what, so I added some color and text and thought I would let you guys see my innards.
Front |
These were taken the very first day that I was in the hospital, while they were still trying to figure out what it was that I had. Two days later, I started my chemotherapy, and my spleen started shrinking, so these pictures are pretty close to the maximum size that it got. It is still swollen, but my belly has gone 44 inches at its maximum down to 37. For reference, my waist was 34 inches before this all started. I have also lost 34 pounds since May 21st. Some of it was extra fluids causing swelling in my legs, but much of which was my spleen shrinking. I am almost back to the weight that I was at before, but I know that I have lost some muscle in the process.
Left side |
I start my 2nd round of chemotherapy tomorrow. I have two different treatments, an "A" treatment and a "B" treatment that will alternate, so this is the first time I will have the B treatment. The A treatment is 5 to 6 days, and the B treatment is 3 to 4 days. My understanding is that the extra day depends on how my blood work looks at the end of the chemotherapy and whether they need to give me anything to counter the effects of the chemo drugs. I did not need it last time, and hopefully I will not need it this time either.
I will let you know what my hospital room and phone number will be. My cell phone does not get reception there, so I will not be answering my cell phone until Sunday.
For all of you who are wondering, "how the heck did you let this get so huge before seeing a doctor?!" - it happened really fast. Went from uncomfortable "stomach bloating" to yikes-this-is-scary in about two weeks, four days of which happened after he'd seen a doctor and before the lab results came back. He'd been trying to get in to see a doctor for a while before he finally saw one.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who doesn't have a local primary care physician, find one now while you're healthy!
Wow! Yikes! So glad you got to the doc when you did!
ReplyDeleteYes, I have to say I'm much less cavalier about our health insurance issues, meaning our lack thereof.
ReplyDeleteYou do NOT want to know the sort of bills that we would otherwise be racking up. I am pretty sure that the 6 million dollar man was a bargain basement deal, because I am not likely to get ANY superpowers out of this even though my therapy will be a disturbingly large fraction of the cost.