Saturday, January 19, 2013

Some good news

As you know, I had a double bone marrow biopsy last Tuesday, and it has taken quite a while to get the results back - longer than it should. I found out yesterday why it took so long. They had to run the tests on the marrow twice. Why? Because the first results were literally unbelievable, but the second set of tests confirmed it. I have NO lymphoma left in my bone marrow. It is 100% gone. No one expected the second round of hard chemo to be so effective. I had about 10% left after the last round of chemo, and it was expected that I would have 2-10% left this time. Onward to stem cell transplant!

Except... a little bit of bad news. The lung biopsy that I was suposed to have on Thursday did not happen. So the stem cell transplant date has been pushed back. The surgeon did not think that he could do the biopsy without collapsing a lung, and that did not seem worth the risk. We have to know whether the node that is showing up in the CT scan is an infectious fungus or bacteria, or whether it is something else before we can go ahead with the stem cell transplant, because I will not have any neutrophils for about 2 months. If it is an infection, and is not under control from one of the antibiotics or antifungals that I am currently on, I could have full blown pneumonia while I lack neutrophils and have a very serious problem. I will have another CT on Tuesday, and we will see if the nodes (and by nodes I mean grey smudges on the CT scan), have gotten larger, stayed the same, or gotten smaller. As long as they have not gotten larger, we will be able to re-schedule my stem cell transplant and go ahead. If they have gotten larger, we will have to do the biopsy.

Once we know what it is, and if it is an infection, gotten it under control, we will be able to re-schedule my stem cell transplant. It takes about 2 weeks to reschedule the transplant, because we have to co-ordinate with the donor, and there are pre-transplant things that I need to go through first. Here's hoping that we can schedule it soon, while I am lymphoma free.

In other good news, Scott and Erica were able to drop by today, and I had a great visit with them. Erica made me a beautiful shawl that I will try to get some pictures of to post. It is made from a silk-linen blend and is one of the most comfortable things that I have ever worn. It just feel like being hugged by love.