Friday, August 30, 2013

You are feeling verrry sleeepy

Posted by Becky

What has Leif been up to, you ask? How is he doing? Leif has been sleeping. He gets up for an hour in the morning to eat and take medicine and deal with anything else that needs to be dealt with, then he goes and takes a nap. He does something similar at lunchtime, and tries to get some exercise. At suppertime he's usually up for 2-3 hours. His labs are looking okay; he just has a ton of fatigue. He makes an effort to exercise every day, generally by taking a walk, to build his fitness levels and combat the fatigue.

One of his doctors said that we can think of the DLI as a second transplant without the heavy-duty chemo and radiation first, and I think that he is experiencing something similar to the post-transplant fatigue he was feeling in February/March.

We have enjoyed visits from Leif's sister Fiona and friends Mike and Carol. I'm back at work and enjoying having something resembling a regular routine. Leif has been putting energy into keeping the information flowing so a crew can, at long last, finish our house. 


  1. Much as I miss hearing more from you and Leif, it is a good sign that things are pretty ordinary, not much to report, just life going on. Great that your house is getting finished. Do you know when you'll be able to live there again?

  2. We hope to move back in late spring or early summer. The rough site work is just about done and looks great. Next is finishing the last of the siding, and then it is all inside work that can continue throughout the winter. There is quite a bit to do, but we have a good crew working on it.

  3. Leif, I have been thinking of you a lot and will call! I would like to go for your daily walk with you, and I love it that house is getting finished. It is such unique and amazing design!! Hi Becky!! Cheryl
