Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Moved to a new room at DHMC

Posted by Becky
This morning I saw signs that there had been a mouse in Leif's room. We've been keeping bread and crackers and chocolate in there, and Mr. Mousie found it. So a few hours later, Leif's in a new room and I need to buy new groceries, and a tightly sealing container to put them in.

His new phone # is 603-650-2109. His room # is 109.

The new room is not as nice or as big, but we've fit everything in, and mouse-free is a good thing.

Today's doctor visit update:
Leif's hemoglobin was stable or might have gone up a bit overnight without a transfusion, and his platelets are holding steady. So they suspect that the internal bleeding has really and truly stopped. They have taken him off the Amicar (a drug that assists clotting) and are holding off on any more platelet transfusions unless his levels drop again.

Leif has radiation today and Friday. He feels like although is spleen is still as long (across the front of his belly) as it was before, it seems to be less deep; he doesn't feel so over-full after eating a meal, and it's less uncomfortable for him to bend forward. He got some Reiki this morning from one of the volunteers, and his energy level is higher than it was last week.


  1. So glad to hear the good news on red blood cells and platelets! Go, Leif! And may your new room be mice-free!
    Love, Susan

  2. Aw, man! I hope the Brain (and Pinky bc every great arch villain has to have an active sidekick) didn't make off with ALL your Halloween candy! That vile creature(s)! But....there are always other, better care packages!

    Sorry you got a smaller room. Maybe you can tent up your blankets and pretend you're camping.....imagination is definitely the key! Happy hemoglobin! Keep goin' up!

  3. Go figure...just when you think you're safe from zombies...KILLER MICE!!! But seriously, in Leif's immune compromised state, quite a real threat depending on who ELSE's scraps they've been feeding on. Good catch, Becky!

  4. ...or even a threat from the mice's own natural biota, come to think of it. Hooray for Leif's (hopefully) growing legion of neutrophils!

  5. Yay for stable hemogoblins and boo for zombie mousies. He was a zombie mousie, you know, slightly peeved by Leif's comments about the previous room being zombie proof. They just did it to make a point about Leif's assumption that the zombie invasion would be comprised of full-sized zombies! ;-)
