Sunday, August 19, 2012

Feeling better

Posted by Becky
Leif's temperature is down to normal, he's alert, though tired and not his usual quick self, and it looks like he's on the mend. His heart rate is better and his oxygen levels are going up, too. His nurse says that his blood counts are up somewhat, although I haven't seen them yet.

They still don't know what bug is making him sick, and there are still incursions in his lungs. He got an echocardiogram and another chest xray this morning. He's still on the four antibiotics (gentamycin, Zosym, vorconazole, and Bactrim). They're giving him some platelets this morning.

One of the effects of low oxygen is pareidolia, which has been keeping Leif entertained.


  1. Good news rolling in, it's about time. I'm very happy to hear you're doing better, Leif.

  2. Well, that's ironic. Pareidolia can manifest by seeing faces where none exist, whereas Leif does not normally recognize faces where they DO exist. It must be a welcome change!

    1. Well, I saw plenty of faces, but it is not like I recognized them. :)
