Friday, July 27, 2012

Round 4

Back down in Midcoast for my fourth round of chemo. First things first - my room number is 227 and my room phone number is 373-6227. Again, I don't have cell phone service, so I can not call out, but I enjoy receiving phone calls. Give a call anytime between about 9am and 8pm. You don't have to worry about waking me up, I look forward to breaking up my endless naps with some human interaction. 

I have not posted much lately, as I have been feeling unusually well. Over the last few days I have had less fatigue, and more energy than I have had since I started treatment. I would say that I have been operating at about 10% (up from about 4% on a good day). So that feels pretty good to me. I have been puttering around the house, and have gotten the front door painted, the lock installed and put in a front porch light. It has felt pretty good to accomplish something productive. 

This schedule is supposed to be the short schedule, so I might be out of here on Tuesday, and on Friday I have a PET scan to take a look at my spleen. All my future treatment depends on how my spleen looks. It is still shrinking well, but it is still pretty big, so the doctors are really at a loss to make any prediction about what happens next until we see those results.

I will post more later after I get settled in.


1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting Leif! Sending you powerful loving energy from Brooks!

    Prue et al
