Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fever last night, new antibiotics today

Posted by Becky

As was more or less expected based on yesterday's bottom soreness and elevated heart rate, Leif spiked a fever last night. They added an antibiotic - Zosyn - based on its broad-spectrum coverage. The blood cultures they took yesterday indicate that they're dealing with gram-negative bacteria. Leif's bottom, where the surgery was, has been more sore and red today and yesterday. The Infectious Disease doctor we've been seeing, Dr. Aoyagi, came by and checked things out, and said that he thinks Leif's on the appropriate antibiotic. He'll be bringing an ID doctor who specializes in immunosuppressed patients by to see Leif, later this afternoon.

His temperature was back down to normal by this morning, but he was feeling pretty wrung out. He got a unit of platelets and one of blood, after which he felt enough better to get up, eat breakfast, and take a sitz bath. Then he lay down and listened to a book on tape until someone came to take him away for a chest xray. That's routine, to check for lung problems anytime he gets a fever.

He just came back from the chest xray, and is feeling energetic enough to investigate why he hasn't gotten a spinach frittata for breakfast yet during this stay (answer - he was on a low phosphorous diet last Frittatta Day). I promised him that if they didn't bring a frittata by Saturday, I'll make him one.


  1. Hope you get that frittata one way or another. I sent you a card the other day but neglected to use a stamp so it is now on its way back through northern New England. Hope you get it second time around. I trust the day 12 meds are now behind you and that you will soon be on your way to rebounding. love -- Wendy

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